Gay bars chicago berlin

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For example, Berlin once hosted a petting zoo.Įventually, Berlin expanded and evolved into a dance club, although it hasn’t lost its eccentricities. The club immediately developed a following in Chicago with its welcoming attitude, appreciation of diversity and a wide variety of attractions. It originated as a video bar in 1983 – at half the size it is today. Berlin was chosen as one of Chicagoist’s “7 Best Nightclubs That Don’t Suck” and Chicago Reader voted it as Chicago’s Best Gay Bar of 2013, which are just two of more than a dozen distinctions awarded to the club. In fact, the music scene at Berlin is so well respected that many DJs use it as their launching pad to make their name in the house music industry. Berlin nightclub is a gay and lesbian bar known for its dancing, live acts and theme nights, all accompanied by music from some of Chicago’s best DJs.

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